Mar 5Liked by Nic Jasper

Nic I absolutely love the spoken medium. Your voice is so — compelling, emphatic and yet soothing — makes the poem really come alive. This poem is beautiful. It is wrenching. So many of us in this generation are undergoing the transition from families of faith to families with no faith. Your family sounds deeply entrenched, which is so hard to extract from. My ex husband still receives Christmas letters from his mother saying that she is sad that when she dies she will go to heaven and he will not be there because he will be in hell. All while she comes over cheerfully bringing needlepoint pictures and a plethora of gifts for the children. My own family was one of feigned religion. They faked religion to satisfy their parents but never believed underneath. I was the first to boldly call bullshit on the whole thing. Your poem reminds me of something that I have to be grateful for— for being in a family where not perpetuating that tradition didn’t mean the end of anything, didn’t mean a schism with my loved ones. *This* should not have to be something we are thankful for, but look — it is. So you’ve given me one more thing to put in my gratitude bucket for today. And I wish you all the peace and “time heals all wounds” kind of sentiments as you continue on your journey. Sorry for the super long saga of an outpouring but really I think I was so affected by hearing you speak the words!!! So keep doing that! Much love 💗

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Mmm, love all the thoughtfulness you brought to this response Kate:), thank you. Yes, the contrast between "We both know you think I'm going to hell" and "Happy happy holiday time, let's all get along" in any relationship can be tough to take at times! It's good to hear about your experience of stepping away from your family's version of feigned religion because it's a reminder that there is such a variety of experiences around religious deconstruction and yet so many of us share a commonality of having struggled with it somewhere in our lives. You 'boldly calling bullshit' about sums it up - I do think it's brave and could say so much more about that. Thanks for your kind words and, quite honestly, the encouragement to keep going because there are definitely days that I wonder if any of this means anything so it's really nice to know that something connected. Sending all the love your way as well💗💗💗

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Oh, my. This… is stunning and vulnerable. Thank you for sharing your words with the world (and I loved hearing the voiceover while I read). I can relate to much of the tension in feelings/thoughts here. Can’t wait to dive into more of your work, Nic.

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Thank you so so much Erika. And right back atcha!

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I returned to this poem to have my husband listen and read along. So good the second time. He loved it.

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Erika! I don't think I could ask for a better compliment than a second listen AND bringing someone else along....thank you so much for returning and for telling me, it made my day!

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Of course. Finding your newsletter was one of the better parts of this last week!

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Feb 10Liked by Nic Jasper

I hear and feel your words and your heart. We've had such similar beginnings and although we've had different outcomes, I truly do understand at least some of the pain that's been forced on you. I hear you. I feel you. I love you. And I will forever walk beside you ❤️

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So I did and I am 🤎

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